Monday, January 16, 2012

Chocolate Chip Oreo Cookies

I was on the hunt for a good go-to cookie recipe. A couple weeks ago, I found this recipe. I used too much cookie dough, and they ended up looking like this.

Is it a UFO? Nope, just a cookie.

I was crushed...I hate it when something I make doesn't turn out right. So I forced the boys to eat them on their road trip.

On Saturday night, we had our regular group over to watch Tim Tebow play Tom Brady. Even though he lost, I am still a Tebow fan. So I tried a new cookie recipe since I still had some Oreos left over. I dub these "Tim Tebow Cookies". (As Ann Houston said, "Because he's the bomb!")

Chocolate Chip Oreo Cookies

Yum! I followed the recipe above. The only thing I did a bit different was to add a pinch more salt. (The batter was very sweet to begin with.)

In her recipe, she calls for 11 broken pieces of Oreo...but I interpreted that to be 11 Oreo cookies :)

Here is my dough. I crushed the Oreos with a hammer beforehand.

Here are the cookies...and they were a hit! And they get even better with age...


Enjoy! (Stuart certainly did)

1 comment:

  1. Z told me about those...I don't think you had to force him to eat them! :)
